Saturday, February 23, 2013

Planning for the future

Well, it looks like spring is on it's way! Today is a beautiful Saturday, the sun is shining, and the shrubs and flowers are slowing peeking out with their greenery!  Winter, hopefully, is in the rear view!

It has been, for me, a season of planning, starting over, and thinking of the best road to go down for the happiest future.  I have surrounded myself with a multitude of great ideas, both my own and others that are shared.  It is a game to sift through to come out on the other side with a combination of the best!

Stock photography is something that I have been studying for a long time.  The things that to me are interesting are not necessarily the ones that sell, so I have hesitated signing up with a stock site.  I think I am getting a better idea of what is needed, simple seems to be better, with lots of open space.  I'm considering the option of shooting for the holidays, greeting card, calendar, etc.  With a theme comes more ideas - a color that stands out, a background that uses the theme well.  All of these are things to think about when I begin this project. is a great website for photography sales!  The site is buyer friendly, doing all of the work for you - all you have to do is post your image and keyword.  I'd love it if this was automatic..not my strong point!  I've posted some of my favorite shots on here - no sales, but I have quite a few followers. is another of the sales sites that I use, including a few of my photos into groups and contests..I have won recognition in the groups with quite a few..which is of course VERY good for the photographer's ego! 

I have 2 weddings, a shoot with a dog breeder ( and friend!) horse shows to travel to, and another beach trip in the back of my head.  This fall's cruise is something that I'll never forget - and the photos that came home with me bring it all to mind! Plans for the future and memories already made make the time I spend with my camera some of the best times I have!


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